
Biegun Północny- 7 AUT vs -30° STOPNI… | Samochód w Rzece i inne przygody tego typu. (PART 1/2) – Budda. TV

Biegun Północny- 7 AUT vs -30° STOPNI... | Samochód w Rzece i inne przygody tego typu. (PART 1/2)

Enter the Christmas game for cars here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITySoewG26IMJzPGzqMKbgN1ixcv8cJJ/view

A beautiful story, which as it turned out, left so much content behind, that we had to divide the trip into PART 1 and PART 2… If it wasn’t that, we’d hit an over 2 hour long video.

Finland welcomed us with lots of snow, a four hour long day and record breaking negative temperatures, reaching almost -30 degrees Celcius.
We welcomed Finland with a truck full of cars – M3, New Supra, Audi RS6 and a few more toys onboard!

I therefore invite you to see the Part 1 of our adventure with the North Pole.

źródło: youtube/ Budda. TV

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